Jumat, 24 Januari 2014

stupid human

Formerly feels wonderful
Do not want to forget
Till We Meet Again making out together
sweet memories

Nothing is wrong
I'm human just stupid
Who let all these permainkanku
Repeated over again

Trying to survive as strong as liver
Like coral
Slammed the waves
Go live in a sheer buai
Leave it in the sincere love of destiny

No doubt your behavior
For me despair
Sometimes common sense is
Not enough block it

only the pain
Till We Meet Again came that laugh at
You soulmates
Dancing bear beautiful on my tears

But until when will I have to
Bear the curse of love

All stories must be final
That must be passed
So is the end of this story convinced me beautiful

But until when will I have to
Bear the curse of love
Residing in the heart

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